The kitchen had been a
scene of frantic activity early in the evening when he had looked in but now
all way quiet. The kitchen cat and the char boy lay sleeping beside the
fireplace. Most of the food from the banquet had been eaten and what had not
been eaten had been cleared away. Merric
went to explore the larder for where there was food; mice could not be far
A large cheese wheel sat
on the cooling shelf but something else caught his eye. In the corner was a
mousetrap and in the trap was a piece of cheese. Staring at the cheese and
muttering to himself was a mouse.
“Ah the wonders of cheese! And sprung cheese
is by far the best.”
And with a flick of his paws the trap snapped and the
cheese flew across the room…landing right at Merric’s feet.

And then with a pounce Merric snatched up the little

“Spare me Sir Cat, as I am the only support for my
three blind uncles and if you do I will give you a meal unlike any that you have
had before and I will tell you wonderful tales of adventure while you
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